quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

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living in Brazil

Etiquette and Customs in Brazil

Meeting Etiquette

. Men shake hands when greeting one another, while maintaining steady eye contact.
. Women generally kiss each other, starting with the left and alternating cheeks.
. Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends.
. If a woman wishes to shake hands with a man, she should extend her hand first.

Gift Giving Etiquette

. If invited to a Brazilian's house, bring the hostess flowers or a small gift.
. Orchids are considered a very nice gift, but avoid purple ones.
. Avoid giving anything purple or black as these are mourning colours.
. Handkerchiefs are also associated with funerals, so they do not make good gifts.
. Gifts are opened when received.

Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Brazilian's house:
. Arrive at least 30 minutes late if the invitation is for dinner.
. Arrive up to an hour late for a party or large gathering.
. Brazilians dress with a flair and judge others on their appearance. Casual dress is more formal than in many other countries. Always dress elegantly and err on the side of over-dressing rather than under- dressing.
. If you did not bring a gift to the hostess, flowers the next day are always appreciated

quarta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2008

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008

Whats the difference between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese?

Does it make any difference whether you learn Portuguese from Portugal or Brazil?

European Portuguese differs from Brazilian Portuguese mainly in terms of pronunciation. There are also significant differences in vocabulary, and relatively minor differences in grammar and spelling. The relationship is similar to that between British and American English, though the regional differences in Brazil are greater than those in the USA.

The most noticeable differences in pronunciation are that European Portuguese uses a lot more sh and zh (as in pleasure) sounds than Brazilian Portuguese, and that some word endings are not usually pronounced in Portugal, while they are in Brazil. For example, the word saudade, sadness/longing, sounds something like ’sao-oo-daad’ in Portugal, and like ’sao-oo-daa-jay’ in Brazil. When an S comes at the end of a word in the European Portuguese, it becomes a sh sound, as in Portugês ‘por-too-geysh’, which is pronounced ‘por-too-geys’ in Brazil, unless the following word begins with a vowel.

Brazilian Portuguese has absorbed many words from the languages of African slaves, from European languages such as French and Italian, and from indigenous languages of Brazil, such as Tupí and Guaraní, especially in place names and names of flora and fauna native to Brazil. Examples of words that are different in Brazil and Portugal include comboio (Pt) / trem (Br) – train (comboio = convoy in Brazil); autocarro (Pt) / ônibus (Br) – bus; pequeno almoço (Pt) / café da manhã (Br) – breakfast.

Grammatical differences include the disappearance of a number of tenses, such as the pluperfect from Brazilian Portuguese. The second person plural is used in Portugal but not in Brazil, and compound tenses are more widely used in Brazil than in Portugal.

In Brazilian Portuguese a number of letters such as c and p that have become silent are not written, while they are still written though not pronounced in European Portuguese. For example, acção (Pt) / ação (Br) – action, and óptimo (Pt) / ótimo (Br) – optimum. There are a number of other spelling differences, including the replacement of ó and é with ô and ê in many Brazilian Portuguese words.

Brazilian TV programmes and songs are popular in Portugual, so the Portuguese are fairly familiar with Brazilian Portuguese and have little difficult understanding it, though they may find some of vocabulary and grammar a bit strange. However few Brazilians are familiar with European Portuguese and can find it difficult to follow. Moreover Portuguese speakers can understand Spanish fairly well, but Spanish speakers find Portuguese, especially European Portuguese, much harder to make sense of.

Unless you plan to live or work in Portugal, or make regular visits there, it will probably be more useful to learn Brazilian Portuguese. Far more people speak Brazilan Portuguese, more courses and classes are available in that form of the language, and the majority of literature in Portuguese comes from Brazil.

Funny Brazilian cartoons

Here are some funny brazilian cartoons called Dr. Pepper

terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008

Money in Brazil

- Above you can see the Brazilian Reals

- You can take money from almost any ATM machine

- VISA is much more popular in Brazil than American Express. And cash works everywhere!

Usefull Brazilian phrases

Here are some usefull phrases you can use in Brazil:

Man = Homen
Woman = Mulher
how are you = Como esta?
how much does it cost? = Quanto custou ( pronounce coosta)
Beach = Praia
Sun = Sol
Money = Dinheiro (din-air-ro)
Girl = Garota
No = Nao (say no,it’s the same)
Yes = Sim ( say si )
Thanks = Obrigad
where can i change money? = onde posso troca dinheiro?
very expensive = muito caro!
better = melhor
Beautiful = bonita
Pretty = linda
Good Morning = Bom Dia ( pronounce Bon )
Good Afternoon = Boa Tarde( pro - Tar-gee)
Good Night = Bom Noite ( pronounce Bon )
Drink = Bebida
Food = Comida
Breakfast = Cafe de Manhana or Pequeno almoca
Lunch = Almoca
Dinner = Jantar
Meal = Refeição
Marry me = case-me(pronounce casar-me)
It is late = E Tarde (E pronounce eh)
you are kidding me = Voce esta brincando comigo
Clothes Roupa = ( pronounce R as H )
Shoes = Sapato
It is very Hot = E muito quente
It is cold = E Frio
Soft Drink (coke etc) = Refrigerant(remember R - H)
You are funny = Voce esta engracado
Stop = Para
Kiss = Beijo
Goodbye = Tchau ( pronounce Chow )
I would like to buy this = Eu gostaria de comprar este
Where is the police station = Onde ficar delagacia

I - Eu, You - Voce (vor say), Him - Ele, Her - Ela, Us - Noss, Them - Eles ( Elas - female)